Thursday, July 18, 2013

Day Four - Mosser Glass

Thursday, July 18, 2013 began with a low ceiling of clouds, a high level of humidity, and a moderate level of wakefulness among the Cabell County cadre of teachers exploring the glass and ceramics industry in West Virginia. Today we actually explored a bit of the glass industry in the neighboring state of Ohio. We visited the Mosser Glass Company  in Cambridge, Ohio

The Mosser Glass Company makes high quality glassware for retail sale and glassware for the pharmaceutical industry.This includes glass funnels and vacuum Bell jars.

Mosser Glass Company also produces specialty parts for for the antique auto industry, like the headlight lenses pictured below ready to be packed and shipped. Other specialty auto products include tail light and park light lenses for a company that sells to antique auto suppliers. Among the specialty products Mosser makes are glass insulators once used on utility and telephone poles. 

Mosser Glass Company seems to have found a niche in the glass industry that has allowed them to prosper while other glass companies have faltered. By making specialty glass for the antique restoration industry, glass for their own retail sales, and glass to other customers' specifications, Mosser Glass Company keeps the tradition of fine,hand-blown glass alive in the Ohio Valley.

As the two pictures above suggest, our next stop was Pittsburgh, PA and and a few hours to explore Station Square. The opportunity to view a major part of the Ohio River watershed drew some of us to ride the Incline to the overlook. 


We had dinner at a local restaurant where the food was excellent and the people very friendly. The establishment had been there for many years and the customers were long-time patrons. It was back to the hotel for an early evening and preparations for the last two days of our journey.   


  1. I really like the way you use a Google Earth snapshot for our locations.

  2. Great pictures of the pressed glass.

  3. Your Environmental Science classes might consider the energy consequences of assuring quality and reducing glass waste. How did Mosser (and other glass manufacturers) accomplish this?

  4. Your writing technique is a great example for your students to model in their own writing. Great introduction, pictures enhancing details and very informative. Enjoyed reading!
